Stemmler Hall G10

3450 Hamilton Walk

Philadelphia, PA - 19146

I am a postdoc in the Lab of Auditory Coding at UPenn where I study how we process auditory information using bayesian models and neuronal network analysis.

My interests broadly lie at the intersection of statistical mechanics, machine learning and neuroscience.

In summer 2020, I interned with Dr. Young-suk Lee at IBM in Yorktown Heights working on Natural Language Processing.

During my PhD years, I have been fortunate to work with Professors Dolores Bozovic and the late Alex Levine studying how the inner processes sounds into electrical signals using methods from non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. I additionally collaborated with Professor William Speier as a visiting researcher, on a brain-machine interface project where we worked towards translating neural signals to text using machine learning and deep learning techniques.

Prior to this, I graduated with a B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay majoring in Engineering Physics and with a minor in Electrical Engineering.

My resume can be found here and complete academic CV here.