Janaki Sheth
Postdoctoral Fellow at Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.

Stemmler Hall G10
3450 Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia, PA - 19146
I am a postdoc in the Lab of Auditory Coding at UPenn where I study how we process auditory information using bayesian models and neuronal network analysis.
My interests broadly lie at the intersection of statistical mechanics, machine learning and neuroscience.
In summer 2020, I interned with Dr. Young-suk Lee at IBM in Yorktown Heights working on Natural Language Processing.
During my PhD years, I have been fortunate to work with Professors Dolores Bozovic and the late Alex Levine studying how the inner processes sounds into electrical signals using methods from non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. I additionally collaborated with Professor William Speier as a visiting researcher, on a brain-machine interface project where we worked towards translating neural signals to text using machine learning and deep learning techniques.
Prior to this, I graduated with a B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay majoring in Engineering Physics and with a minor in Electrical Engineering.
Mar 25, 2023 | I was the team lead for the Audition station at KidsJudge! It was so much fun teaching elementary school students about how humans hear. We played with tuning forks, ripple tanks and slinkies. Check out our (photos!). |
Nov 23, 2022 | We co-organized the Science Policy 101 workshop at UPenn. If you are curious about how to get involved in science policy check out our presentation. |
Nov 18, 2022 | I have been co-organizing the Mindcore Diversity and Equity Initiative weekend since 2021. Here are our materials if you would like to use them for your own similar initative! We got highly positive reviews of the weekend! |
Aug 11, 2022 | Had a wonderful experience TA-ing tutorials and mentoring a project at the 2022 Cajal Course for Computational Neuroscience (photos). |